Marta Perlińska – Lektorka angielskiego

Worksheets perfectly fitted
to your student

Gain student's satisfaction while saving yourself time


Student takes a specially designed placement test


You receive customised study plan with redy-to-use worksheets


Provide 4 lessons with redy-to-use worksheets


Notice student's progress and REPEAT over again

Preparing materials tailored to the student for a single class takes 15 minutes on average

That's why we are developing this platform which helps you adjust & pick learning materials for students in less than 30 seconds


Marta used to spend 90 minutes a day preparing materials for 6 lessons


Marta is ready for classes in 10 minutes. She uses the extra time to take in more students and earns extra $240 per month.

materials for english classes


how does materials for english classes WORK

At the begining

1. Student takes a test

Student takes a specially designed placement test that will show their current language level. You will also see key areas to work on in the future

2. You receive a study plan

After the student completes the test, you will receive an illustrative study plan with redy-to-use worksheets. You can always customize the plan

Before every lesson

During every lesson

3. Open the worksheet

You select further ready-to-use worksheet from the previously created plan

4. Use the margin tips

Develop with advice on how to use materials to keep students interested

Once in every month

5. Verify progress

Every 4 classes, the student should retake a test to verify progress

6. Refresh the plan

After verifying the student's progress, you will receive an updated learning plan


placement TEST for student

Specially designed placement test that shows what your student knows already and what they should learn next

study PLAN

After the student completes the test, you will receive a study plan consisting of redy-to-use worksheets

READY-TO-USE worksheets ​

You can stick to the plan or pick a single worksheet that suits you. Select your student's level, select a worksheet and start your lesson​


We create materials in such a way that your student quickly notices progress and has the sense of learning continuity​

margin TIPS

Methodological advice on worksheet margin showing how to keep students interested

always FRESH

New worksheets added regularly to keep learning interesting

MORE time for MORE satisfied students

Make your students hungry for knowledge while making more money.



  • Unlimited access to placement TESTs
  • Access to study PLANs
  • 10 FREE
    READY-TO-USE worksheets
  • margin TIPS


  • Teacher & student account with study plan
  • Gamification of study
  • Test & plan modification after every lesson
  • Interactive homework

Why is BETA so cheap??

  • We know this platform provides real value to teachers.
  • We also believe that the next version of this platform will be a game changer for teachers.
  • We offer a BETA version at a minimal price so that every teacher can try it, share their opinion with us and influence the next version of the product.